EMC Graduate Students

Theresa Marie Russ

UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3170
email: tmruss@gmail.com

M.A., English
UC Santa Barbara, 2008

B.A. Literature in English
Excelsior College, 2006


Areas of Interest

M.A. Fields (First Qualifying Exam): Renaissance Literature; Restoration & 18th-Century Literature; Theories of Literature & the Environment

Languages: Spanish and Latin

Current Projects

Ph.D., English
Dissertation: “Cultivating Mind and Soil: Augustan English Georgic Poetry, 1657-1757”
Committee: Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook (chair), Ken Hiltner, J. Sears McGee

Certificate in College and University Teaching (CCUT)

Selected Fellowships and Awards

Early Modern Center, UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division


University Teaching Experience, Department of English, UC Santa Barbara

Teaching Associate. Design and teach course as Instructor of Record.

Teaching Assistant. Lead discussion sections, proctor exams, maintain grades.

Selected Professional Experience


Department of English, UC Santa Barbara

Early Modern Center, UC Santa Barbara

Coal Oil Point Reserve (part of the UC Natural Reserve System), Shorelines and Watersheds

Professional Affiliatons